Commitment to the best interests of children
College Corinthians is committed to ensuring that the best interests of children and young people participating in the club are of paramount importance. Participation in football should be fun, enjoyable and provide a platform to learn and develop life skills, make new friends and enhance personal growth. It is the responsibility of all adults involved in College Corinthians to actively promote safe and best practice standards whilst being ever vigilant and aware of their responsibilities to children and young people in their care.
College Corinthians believe that Sport must be welcoming and inclusive, offering appropriate opportunities for participation and improvement for All. We believe in inclusion irrespective of social, disability, gender, ethnic and other gradients.
The Codes of Behaviour, policies, practices and procedures set out below, in addition to relevant training programmes, seek to ensure that everybody in College Corinthians knows exactly what is expected of them in relation to protecting children and young people within the club.
Safeguarding Statement
The College Corinthian’s Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with statutory requirements and is available here.
Risk Assessment
The College Corinthians Risk Assessment considers the potential for harm to come to children whilst they are in College Corinthians and is available here.
Designated Liaison Person: John O’ Regan 086 3800908 /
Child Welfare Officer: Deirdre Harte 086 1672611 /
Codes of Behavior
- Code of Behaviour for parents or guardians of U18 membersCollege Corinthians AFC Code of Behaviour for parents or guardians of U18 members As a parent/guardian of a member of the club; I will respect the rights, dignity and privacy of all other players, coaches, committee members, parents and supporters. I will respect the rights, dignity and privacy of all… Read more: Code of Behaviour for parents or guardians of U18 members
- Code of Behaviour for PlayersCollege Corinthains AFC Code of Behaviour for Players Children in College Corinthians AFC are entitled to: Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect Participate in soccer on an equal basis, appropriate to their ability and stage of development. College Corinthians AFC have decided that all players are entitled to “fair… Read more: Code of Behaviour for Players
- Spectators Code of BehaviourAll spectators should be on their best behavious and lead by example.
- Code of Behaviour for CoachesIn keeping children and young people at the forefront of planning and practice, our coaches can be confident that participants will enjoy their football experiences and that their actions are regarded as safe and in keeping with the principle that the safety and welfare of children is of paramount consideration.
Policies and Procedures
- Procedure for Reporting Child Abuse Concerns or AllegationsCollege Corinthians AFC is committed to ensuring that children can participate in all club activities in a safe environment. The safety and welfare of children is paramount. This procedure details the Club approach to reporting child abuse concerns or allegations and is in line with the FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding Policy.
- DISCIPLINARY, COMPLAINTS & APPEALS PROCEDUREAll participants in College Corinthians AFC are obliged to fully comply with the Club’s rules, regulations, codes of behaviour, policies and guidelines applicable to their role (e.g. player, coach, volunteer, parent). Disciplinary action, including expulsion without notice, may be taken by the Club for offences of misconduct or breach of such rules, regulations, codes, policies and guidelines. This document sets out the procedures for such actions.
- Safe Recruitment PolicyCollege Corinthians AFC will take all reasonable steps to ensure that coaches, managers and volunteers are suitable to work with children and young people.
- Social Media & Photographic PolicyIt is expected that all Members, Club Officials, Coaches, Parents, Players and Volunteers will uphold the ethos of the Club in all social media interactions and use of photographic materials, including any recordings.
- Transport PolicyThis Transport Policy set out the approach to transport arrangements for College Corinthians events.