Corinthians Soccer Academy (for under 6 to Under 11) takes place every weekend in at our grounds in Castletreasure, Douglas and new members are particularly welcome.

The sessions, which take place on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, are open to boys and girls between the ages of five and eleven.  Players are are coached in the basic skills of the game with the emphasis very much on fun and enjoyment. College Corinthians AFC is widely recognised as one of the top clubs in the country, with excellent facilities and a very strong coaching structure. Since its formation the Corinthians Academy has produced some top class schoolboy/girl teams as well as many outstanding individuals who have represented Ireland at schoolboy/girl and adult level. (See honours won and International Players).

Contact numbers and training times for the various age groups are below. For general information on the Underage Academy please call 086 8598907.

Academy Training Times

Boys Training Times Sept – Oct 2024

U6 (2019)​ Sunday ​10am-11am​ 087 9414219

U7 (2018)​ Sunday​ ​10am-11am​ 086 8598907

U8 (2017)​ Saturday 1.30 – 2.30 086 3028891

U9 (2016)​ Saturday​ 3pm – 4pm 087 7833149

U10 (2015)​ Sunday​​ 11.15am-12.15pm​ 087 4170354​​

U11 (2014)​ Sunday​​ 1.45pm-2.45pm​ 087 9163668

Other additional training times and times for small sided matches/blitz will be through the age group.

Girls Training Times Sept – Oct 2024

Disney Playmakers (4 to 6 year old) Sunday 12:30 to 1:30 086 8598907

U8 & U9 Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30 086 8598907

U10 & U11 Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30 087 7883757

Player Development Academy

Development Academy players with Joe and Craig

From 8 years old, academy players can also attend the Corinthians Player Development Academy which provides additional training opportunities for members. The sessions are run by UEFA qualified coaches, Joe Gamble (Irish senior international) and Craig Donnellan (Irish U19 international.) The focus of the sessions are on the technical development of the players and to increase football contact hours. There is also specialised goalkeeping sessions.

After the academy

After the Underage Academy players progress to either the school boy or school girls sections of the club. From u12 upwards boys and girls play in league and cup competitions organised by either Cork Schoolboys League or Cork Women and Schoolgirls Soccer League.